Can You See the Forest?
I run into this problem a lot with clients. They're so busy focused on the minutia of their programs, while simultaneously overlooking the biggest players in their success! I call that not being able to see the forest, as they're so busy looking at individual trees. When it comes to…
Are You Ready for the Sugar Challenge?
I know you... and you're already sweet enough. Adding extra sugar to your daily diet is unnecessary and definitely not good for you! This week we're going to be getting rid of ADDED SUGARS in our diet! There's a HUGE difference between the natural sugars found in foods, and the…
The Biggest Reason Why You Probably Can’t Lose Weight
I'm gonna keep today's blog post real simple. If you've been trying to lose weight, there are only a couple of things you really need to make sure you're doing right in order to have success. Chances are, though, that you probably aren't getting them right. You must create an…
Why Drinking Alcohol at Night Disrupts Your Sleep
We all love a nice drink. Sometimes, two (or more). Drinking alcohol is not only a social activity, it helps us relax, reduces inhibitions, and frankly, we enjoy it. But, drinking alcohol at night and then trying to get a good night's sleep might be harder than you think. We'll…
Whatever Everyone Else is Doing, Do the Opposite!
We get stuck in these ruts all the time. It's not just in your everyday life, it's in your relationships and your health, too. No matter what, take a look around. If what you're after isn't working for you, it may be time to do the opposite! Eat a lowfat…
How Much Protein Should I Eat?
So, You're killing it in the gym. You've got your carbs, fats, and micronutrients on point. The next, and possibly most critical question you should be asking is... HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I BE EATING EACH DAY? You're trying to build as much lean muscle mass as possible, right? You're…
Diets... Keto, Paleo, Bulletproof, Carb Cycling, Intermittent Fasting, Mediterranean Diet, I can go on... There are some basic principles that explain why diets work (or don't). We'll take a quick look here. Any program that creates a deficit of energy balance, irrespective of it's health benefits (or lack of), will…